"Management of CLINZTECH strongly feels that, it is only 1% of Science and Technology has been developed and still 99% of the Science and Technology has to develop"
"There are so many different types or alternative medicines available in the market like..Allopathy, Ayurvedam, Homeopathy and so on...however an exclusive Clinical Trials are conducting only on Allopathy with a strict protocol, and all other alternative medicines are not prioritize due to egotism"
"CLINZTECH requests to all alternative medicine doctors and scientists to keep egotism a side and to merge all alternative medicines together and then conduct a Clinical Trial to create a miracle so that we can contribute something to the worldwide human beings welfare."
"As a contribution, team of CLINZTECH strongly doing their hard to merge Science with Technology to develop and to improve the life sciences in a cost effective way, with a timely manner by merging all alternative medicines and the available technology together for human being welfare"